Sunday, December 14, 2014


Blue Revolution Hawaii (BRH) held our annual dinner at Ocean House in Waikiki:

The organization is currently headed by Leighton Chong (patent attorney), standing in the back next to our sign, and Benny Ron (aquacultural lead at the University of Hawaii) at the left front.  Here they are to the left when they addressed the local Marine Technology Society.  Also on the board are John Farias (former director of Agriculture and UH regent), Matt Matsunaga (attorney and former State Senator, whose father, Sparky, was responsible for the first OTEC legislation in Congress), Kaiu Kimura (executive director of the Imiloa Astronomy Center), Dante Carpenter (chairman of Democratic Party and former State Senator) and Patrick Takahashi (former director of the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute at the University of Hawaii).  We had younger representation at this dinner, as compared to previous gatherings, shown in The Story of Blue Revolution Hawaii.

To summarize, BRH has proposed the Pacific International Ocean Station (PIOS--watch a summary of Pat's presentation to a Seasteading Institute conference in San Francisco), a grazing R&D plantship powered by ocean thermal energy conversion to develop the potential of marine co-products:  electricity, freshwater, next generation fisheries, marine biomass plantations, hydrogen, biomethanol, and other commodities, while possibly remediating global warming and preventing the formation of hurricanes.  This could be the first step for future floating cities and industrial parks.
While the anticipated cost of this adventure approaches $1.5 billion, this sum is a mere 1% the $150 billion International Space Station, which has yet to initiate a profitable company, and could well plunge to Planet Earth in 2020.  Can you imagine how much better the world would be today if we had a hundred PIOSs plying the oceans of the world, developing sustainable resources in harmony with the marine environment?

Governments and companies don't have the stomach nor capability for a program of this type.  Perhaps an enlightened billionaire and his friends seeking a monumental legacy might.  I show the photo of Larry Ellison, for he does own Lanai and was featured in one of my postings earlier this week.  He has not yet been officially contacted by BRH.  The blog site iBlue Revolution posts on fundraising for PIOS.  In the meantime, Leighton and Benny are initiating fundamental efforts to study this area.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Joe Quirk of the Seasteading Institute referred me to his posting on "National Geographic:  Can the Blue Revolution Solve the Worlds Food Puzzle?"  You can read the NG article by clicking here, which starts with:

It should be a surprise to most that in tonnage, there is now more farmed fish (70 million tons/year) than beef!!!  A few more bullets:
  • Fish farming began in China 2500 years ago with carp.
  • China now produces 42 million tons/year, mostly carp and tilapia (Above, did you know that this fish is a mouth breeder?  Yes, hard to see, but the eggs are kept in the mouth.), in ponds, rivers, lakes and the ocean.  
  • Here are two graphs from Taiwan:

  • Aquaculture has expanded 14-fold since 1980.
  • Seafood demand will expand by 35% over the next two decades.
  • As wild fish production has stagnated, all this increase will come from farms (click on the graphic to actually read it).

  • 90% of farmed fish are in Asia.
  • With respect to farming, fish production is very efficient:

  • China dominates global aquaculture.
  • However, many of these developments have destroyed desirable habitats, caused severe water pollution and induced a myriad of food-safety scares.
  • The USA now imports 90% of its seafood, only 2% of which is inspected by the Food and Drug Administration.
  • Disease is the bane of fish farms, as infectious anemia has killed off $2 billion worth of salmon in Chile, and the shrimp industry of Mozambique was wiped out in  2011.
Here are most frequently asked questions answered by Fishwatch of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (click on any question to view the answer):

All the above continues to talk about cages, fish feeding and the conventional.  While entertaining with fabulous National Geographic photos, the theme is sadly uninspired.  For a quarter century now, I have been cheerleading the concept of a real Blue Revolution, particularly with respect to next generation fisheries, or an Ultimate Ocean Ranch (click on it to read my Huffington Post article on that subject):
  • Sited in the open ocean, away from coastal environments.
  • Linked to the cold water effluent (high in nutrients and pathogen free) of OTEC plantships.
  • Eliminate the need for cages with nutrient or temperature barriers.
  • Eliminate the need for feed, as the system will close the growth cycle for maintaining a sustainable seafood population.
  • Acoutiscally harvest.
  • Use of robotics to protect byproduct.

Of course, the ultimate ocean ranch has not yet begun because there is today no commercial OTEC facility anywhere.  Thus, much of what is happening today is that necessary bridge to the future.  The Seasteading Institute and Blue Revolution Hawaii have taken on the challenge, with a few competitors from Japan and Europe.